Swifts Edibles

Swifts CannaBees Honey

Adding A Little Spunk to Your Honey

Who said honey has to be boring? With Swifts CannaBees honey, the options are limitless with what you can do with it. Add it to tea, sweeten your coffee, or drizzle on fruit, get a little infusion of cannabis with each single serving packet.

We care about our honeybees! Every purchase of  Swifts CannaBees Honey helps support honeybee preservation and research at Washington State University. Perfectly portioned packets make an easy and discreet way to experience cannabis.

CBD Options Available!

Super Versatile and Discreet

Cannabees Honey is great on its own, mixed with your favorite drink or included in your next baking recipe. Each packet contains 10mg of THC or CBD at different strengths making it easy to know how much to consume for the most enjoyable experience. With so many uses, CannaBees Honey can be discreet helping to find relief when most needed.

Beautifully Blended Flavor

Small batch cannabis distillate extract is infused in all natural honey for a blended and balanced flavor. With a handful of potencies available, there’s sure to be a combination that suits your needs. All natural, raw honey with a hint of cannabis infusion, there is no limit to what you can do!

We’re On A Mission
A Portion of Every Box Goes to Honeybee Research & Preservation

Help do your part to help save the honeybees! When you purchase Swifts CannaBees Honey, a portion goes directly to Washington State University Honey Bee and Pollinator Research Facility. Learn more about their important work and how you can help here

Rave Reviews

  • Wow! This was amazing!
  • Love this. Started using these when I got my wisdom teeth out and couldn't smoke. Tastes great in tea and in plain yogurt, helps me sleep and helps with pain, I'm buying these buy the box now!
  • The Butterscotch truffles Green Labs decided to axe were better tasting than white chocolate, red blood orange, chocolate, Raspberry. I'd offer 1 chocolate kind, cookies and cream, apple crisp, Tiger butter peanut butter and butterscotch. The Butterscotch tasted like maple bar icing so good. The Effects of these truffles depend on the strain used to make them...My all time favorite was the Butterscotch truffles that were made with Acapulco Gold....being an edible it was a creeper that was perfect. Talkative, Carefree, Creative, giggly, clear headed and it made everything interesting. It also kills pain and keeps you calm and relaxed at the same time....Perfect strain for these truffles
  • My friend sent me some cookies and cream truffles and green tea mints and I Love them both and feel so lovely afterwards can't wait to try everything else
    Bobbie N.L.
  • I love everything about this edible from flavor to consistency to effects. If each weren't individually wrapped in child-proof packaging, I'd be wolfing these buttery desserts down with reckless abandon. I took a single 10mg square while resting for the day during a 4-day backpacking trip. Sunglasses on, propped up against our backpacks, our worries and sore muscles felt a thousand miles away. (Trying to hide our laughing fits while watching some teenage hikers accidentally drop their fully-assembled tent into a creek was next to impossible).
    Bailey R.
  • Holy cats are theses puppies sour!!! The minty cough drop taste kinda sets me back a little. Key lime and strawberry. I had to ingest 5 to help me relax to help not feel my legs lower back. Be good for someone just starting edible. Can't taste the ganja I guess some people don't care for that flavor, I do cuz it helps me know I am medicated.
  • I'm not big into edibles, but these are delicious and no after-taste.
    Robert W.
  • Absolutely love these! I love how easily you can control the dose - 5mg is just enough to feel super relaxed and mellow, and if you want to feel more, just pop another one or two and you're golden. I also love how fast-acting these are! My mom had a terrible stomach ache the other day and I offered her one. She was desperate, so she took one and almost immediately, she noticed a difference. She loved them enough that she ended up buying some for herself and swears by them now. They're great and I look for them every time I'm at a shop 🙂
  • I'm new to edibles and have been trying different kinds to see what I like and which ones give me the best high. Tried the butterscotch truffles a few days ago and Swifts instantly became my favorite brand! Trying to find more locations in Bremerton that sells different varieties.
    Michael H.
  • I have Fibromyalgia and have found the combination of 8mg CBD and 2mg THC in the Swifts Chocolate Truffles to be just about right in relieving pain while at the same time leaving me to enjoy my day to its fullest. The other real plus is that they taste really good!
  • Amazing edibles! Totally loved the mango and passionfruit, and would love to try the green tea peppermint flavor for my tummy!
    Enny A.
  • Not potent enough though very uplifting! 
  • I am a big fan of the dipped joints ok I love all of their edibles. I had surgery on my leg and had Hardware put in and their CBD sure did help me a lot with the pain! No need for icky pain medication when you have swifts CBD Products!!! Thank you for all your hard work and your wonderful edible line. Keep up the great work
    Stephanie C.
  • The absolute tastiest treat ever with an awesome kick!
  • These are perfect for "social secrecy" of your cannabis intake. "AG"' is my favorite. It's more of a hybrid than straight sativa. The effects are 70/30 ish but def have painkilling and relaxing qualities to go with creative, upbeat, positive thinking and clear headed focus after the initial sativa buzz.. Northern Lights are also offered and they are perfect as well.
  • Excellent flavor, great size at 5mg each. You can customize for your tolerance. Highly recommended!
  • I love both the THC and the CBD honey packets. The THC is great with a sleepy time tea, helps me get to sleep very well. The CBD honey is great in coffee as a Seattle Speedball. Also helps with pain. After having the honey in tea (or coffee) I wait about half an hour for it to take effect, and I'm able to do chores and other bits of house work without pain. Thank you Swifts for the Cannabees honey.
  • These caramels are delicious, and while I absolutely adore these products, my only beef is that I have a hard time finding them in more than 10mg packages. I prefer to buy multiple edibles at a time, and while these taste delicious, I'd be much more inclined to buy them if I could find them on the market in packages of more than one. Still delicious, though, and a great, sweet high 🙂
  • Love em perfect for at work. Helps me tremendously with my back problems
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All Natural


Gluten Free


Small Batch Oil


Locally Sourced Ingredients

Variations Available
  • 100mg THC
  • 25:1 CBD:THC
  • 5:1 CBD:THC
Honey Nutrition Facts-02

True Source Certified Clover Honey, Premium Cannabis Oil extracted using Ethanol

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